編按:來認識世界上最廣泛釀造、最理想的的白葡萄酒範本:白蘇維翁 Sauvignon Blanc
白蘇維翁與夏多內同樣是世界上最廣泛釀造的白葡萄酒之一,也是許多人心中最理想的白酒範本-白蘇維翁(Sauvignon Blanc),源自於法國的羅亞爾河,果粒小,皮薄,屬於芳香型的白葡萄品種,釀造出的白葡萄酒有著清新爽口的酸度並帶著豐富的果香味。
一般來說,白蘇維翁在釀造時會傾向於保留她原來的果香味而不會去做過多的修飾,品質優良的白蘇維翁通常帶有明顯但討喜的酸度、清新的口感與輕盈的酒體,香氣方面多以花香與果香為主,像萊姆、青蘋果、甜瓜、柑橘等,如果葡萄再熟成一些,則會帶有鳳梨、百香果、白桃、百香果等多汁或熱帶水果的感覺,而較著名的例外是在美國加利福尼亞州中央谷地被稱為 Fume Blanc的酒款,使用新的橡木桶陳年後會有明顯的木質與香草氣息,再經過瓶陳後會帶有蜂蜜、焦糖、烤麵包等的香氣,雖然降低了在果香上的表現,但提升了陳年潛力與複雜度。
by Samdiva
延伸閱讀:黑皮諾 Pinot Noir
延伸閱讀:梅洛 Merlot
延伸閱讀:卡本內蘇維翁 Cabernet Sauvignon
Sauvignon blanc [wiki] a green-skinned grape variety that originates from the Bordeaux region of France. The grape most likely gets its name from the French words sauvage (“wild”) and blanc (“white”) due to its early origins as an indigenous grape in South West France.[1] It is possibly a descendant of Savagnin. Sauvignon blanc is planted in many of the world’s wine regions, producing a crisp, dry, and refreshing white varietal wine. The grape is also a component of the famous dessert wines from Sauternes and Barsac. Sauvignon blanc is widely cultivated in France, Chile, Romania, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Bulgaria, the states of Oregon, Washington, and California in the US. Some New World Sauvignon blancs, particularly from California, may also be called “Fumé Blanc”, a marketing term coined by Robert Mondavi in reference to Pouilly-Fumé.
Depending on the climate, the flavor can range from aggressively grassy to sweetly tropical. In cooler climates, the grape has a tendency to produce wines with noticeable acidity and “green flavors” of grass, green bell peppers and nettles with some tropical fruit (such as passion fruit) and floral (such as elderflower) notes. In warmer climates, it can develop more tropical fruit notes but risks losing much aroma from over-ripeness, leaving only slight grapefruit and tree fruit (such as peach) notes.
Wine experts have used the phrase “crisp, elegant, and fresh” as a favorable description of Sauvignon blanc from the Loire Valley and New Zealand.Sauvignon blanc, when slightly chilled, pairs well with fish or cheese, particularly chèvre. It is also known as one of the few wines that can pair well with sushi.
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