義大利酒莊Marchesi di Barolo


編按:來認識有著義大利酒王之稱的”Marchesi di Barolo(義大利 瑪凱西酒莊 巴羅洛侯爵)”,了解這個傳承超過五代,仍持續生產高質量的葡萄酒莊園!

義大利 瑪凱西酒莊 巴羅洛侯爵

這是一個延續 200多年偉大酒莊的故事,關於有義大利酒王之稱的”Marchesi di Barolo”。

故事始於1806年,當時巴羅洛侯爵卡洛·坦克雷迪·法萊蒂(Carlo Tancredi Falletti)娶了法國路易十四財政大臣的孫女Juliette Colbert di Maulévrier,朱麗葉(Juliette)意識到了巴羅洛(Barolo)葡萄酒的巨大潛力,強勁的Nebbiolo葡萄品種可以隨著時間表現出當地特殊風土的所有特徵。

1864年,Juliette侯爵夫人逝世,遂將所有產業捐予慈善機構,幫助弱勢貧困的人們,並致力於年輕一代的文化教育。當年創立的Opera Pia Barolo歌劇院至今仍延續其遺志一直在運作中。

1929年皮耶特羅·阿博納(Pietro Abbona)收購了巴羅洛侯爵夫人的酒莊及古老酒窖。提升釀酒技術,並發揚光大,帶領巴羅洛(Barolo)的酒款開創新局走向世界頂尖地位。



延伸閱讀:義大利 Lodali 酒莊

Barolo wine [wiki] produced in the northern Italian region of Piedmont. It is made from the nebbiolo grape and is often described as one of Italy’s greatest wines.
The zone of production extends into the communes of Barolo, Castiglione Falletto, Serralunga d’Alba and parts of the communes of Cherasco, Diano d’Alba, Grinzane Cavour, La Morra, Monforte d’Alba, Novello, Roddi, Verduno, all in the province of Cuneo, south-west of Alba. Although production codes have always stipulated that vineyards must be located on hillsides, the most recent revision of the production code released in 2010 goes further, categorically excluding valley floors, humid and flat areas, areas without sufficient sunlight, and areas with full-on northern exposures.
Barolo is often described as having the aromas of tar and roses, and the wines are noted for their ability to age and usually take on a rust red tinge as they mature. Barolo needs to be aged for at least 36 months after the harvest before release, of which at least 18 months must be in wood.When subjected to aging of at least five years before release, the wine can be labeled as Riserva.

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