

編按:葡萄酒必知的15件事!葡萄酒 推薦、怎麼選?怎麼喝?喝不完怎麼保存?快快學起來哦~

「葡萄酒」永遠都有討論不完的問題與學問,從葡萄的品種、產區、年份,甚至是到酒的酒瓶、酒塞、酒標的學問與細節,到喝的時候要注意醒酒、對酒色跟酒氣的察言觀色、不同的酒款該用什麼杯子?以及該去哪裡買酒最好?吃什麼樣的食物要配什麼酒?怎樣才能避免買到「假酒」?……以下我一口氣為大家整理了關於葡萄酒你要知道的 15 件事,快點學起來,免得以後喝葡萄酒的時候又要貽笑大方了……

1. 萬年大哉問!「產區」與「品種」

葡萄酒產區最直接的二分法就是「舊世界」與「新世界」,「舊世界」指的是如法國、義大利、西班牙這些歐洲國家,「新世界」指的是如美國、南美洲、澳洲、南非等「非歐洲」國家產的葡萄酒。就排名來說,全球 10 大產葡萄酒的國家依序為法國、義大利、西班牙、美國、阿根廷、澳洲、德國、南非、智利、葡萄牙,而第一大的法國則共有 13 個產區;另外除了法國之外,德國、美國、義大利的葡萄酒都有特定的「分級制度」!

常見的拿來釀造葡萄酒的葡萄品種有——紅葡萄酒:Cabernet Sauvignon、Cabernet Franc、Merlot、Shiraz(法國稱 Syrah)、Pinot Noir、Pinotage、Malbec、Sangiovese、Tempranillo、Grenache、Nebbiolo、Zinfandel、Gamay 等。白葡萄酒:Chardonnay、Riesling、Gewurztraminer、Muscadet、Sauvignon Blanc、Semillon、Muscat、Viognier、Pinot Gris 等。我只能說先把常見的品種記起來很重要!因為如果你在餐廳點酒,隨口說出了一個什麼「我要一瓶 Pinot Noir 的白酒!」那就真的會尷尬到不行……

2. 「年份」是「理所當然」還是「迷思」?



3. 到餐廳怎麼選酒?怎樣的食物配怎樣的酒?


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    請務必先搞懂品種:我們在上述第一點提到的葡萄品種稍微了解一下它們的口感,把厚重、淡雅、辛香等形容詞換成相對應的 Cabernet Sauvignon、Pinot Noir、Syrah 等品種名稱,讓侍酒師知道請把自己當個專業人士來對待!

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延伸閱讀:葡萄酒該如何搭餐? 這5種類型酒款與美食相搭,絕不失誤!

Pinot noir [wiki] is a red wine grape variety of the species Vitis vinifera. The name may also refer to wines created predominantly from Pinot noir grapes. The name is derived from the French words for pine and black. The word pine alludes to the grape variety having tightly clustered, pine cone-shaped bunches of fruit.
Pinot noir grapes are grown around the world, mostly in the cooler climates, and the grape is chiefly associated with the Burgundy region of France.Pinot noir is now used to make red wines around the world, as well as Champagne, sparkling white wines such as the Italian Franciacorta, and English sparkling wines. Regions that have gained a reputation for red Pinot noir wines include the Willamette Valley of Oregon; the Carneros, Central Coast, Sonoma Coast, and Russian River AVAs of California; the Elgin and Walker Bay wine regions of South Africa; the Mornington Peninsula, Adelaide Hills, Great Southern, Tasmania, and Yarra Valley in Australia; and the Central Otago, Martinborough, and Marlborough wine regions of New Zealand. Pinot noir is the most-planted varietal (38%) used in sparkling wine production in Champagne and other wine regions.

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