Chinchinwine 親親酒


編按:分享美酒、美食、美好人生的平台 – Chinchinwine 親親酒, chihchin 親親 wine 酒

親親酒 Chinchinwinewine snobs’ courtyard

“親親酒” 是個分享美酒、美食、美好人生的平台。我們會不定期的分享各類美酒的知識包括產區、葡萄品種、餐酒搭配等等等…
喝酒吃飯是一件很平常、很快樂的事,可是你應該有被酒卡到的經驗,一定有,那就是碰到 Wine snob (喔!對了這個平台也有美酒、美食的英文教學喔!) 問你對一支酒的看法..?
你: Er…..很好喝,很順 (你終於吐出這句話…)
Wine snob: 翻了個白眼,露出不屑的奸笑..(很想拿酒瓶砸他是吧?)
你好挫敗喔! 沒關係,“親親酒”給你靠,我們會安慰你,分享更多的酒類知識,讓你更強大、更有自信,所以要常常來“親親酒”看看喔!今天先分享到這裡。

“親親酒” 的宗旨是
因為很重要 所以要講三次

親親酒 Chinchin wine

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Wine snob-葡萄酒的狂熱者,對於其“豐富的葡萄酒知識”自命不凡且自以為是的人。


by  CC 老師

精選推薦酒杯中的甜蜜 – 甜酒的釀造與著名的產區

精選推薦葡萄酒該如何搭餐? 這5種類型酒款與美食相搭,絕不失誤!

精選推薦紅白酒差在哪? 記住這4點 讓你一次搞懂


親親酒 Chinchin wine

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Wine [wiki] is an alcoholic drink typically made from fermented grapes. Yeast consumes the sugar in the grapes and converts it to ethanol and carbon dioxide, releasing heat in the process. Different varieties of grapes and strains of yeasts are major factors in different styles of wine. These differences result from the complex interactions between the biochemical development of the grape, the reactions involved in fermentation, the grape’s growing environment (terroir), and the wine production process. Many countries enact legal appellations intended to define styles and qualities of wine. These typically restrict the geographical origin and permitted varieties of grapes, as well as other aspects of wine production. Wines not made from grapes involve fermentation of other crops including rice wine and other fruit wines such as plum, cherry, pomegranate, currant and elderberry.

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