BIN 389是葛蘭許創始人的佳作。在葛蘭許用過的橡木桶中熟化,因此被稱為“小葛蘭許”。首創於1960年,為Penfolds建立了葡萄酒的市場地位,集合了卡本內的清晰結構及希哈的豐厚口感。Bin 389成功地體現了Penfolds在平衡風味的精湛釀酒技術。
顏色:稠密的洋紅色。 香氣:細緻果酸味,還有淡淡橡木特色,散發出更加濃郁的蛋塔、焦糖布丁味。此外還散發李子、無花果和榲桲果香,芬香撲鼻。 風味:濃厚的果香籠罩,迷人充滿誘惑。濃郁黏稠,豐富多汁,令人垂涎的果酸結合格外柔和的單寧。細微到難以查覺的橡木特色,一款美妙平衡的佳釀。
未成年請勿飲酒 • 禁止酒駕 • 飲酒過量有害健康
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“Beyond Memories” captures the essence of experiences that transcend time. It’s a journey into moments that linger in the heart long after they’ve passed, where each memory becomes a story to cherish forever. Dive into a world where the past is not just remembered, but celebrated. invites you to relive, reflect, and create new moments that will outlast time itself. Rediscover what it means to truly remember.