ruché 義大利原生品種


編按:來認識一下這個產量稀少、風味獨具的隱藏珍寶 – 義大利原生品種 ruché

說起ruché這個義大利的原生品種,栽種面積小,產量少。一位牧師Don Giacomo Cauda,在 70年代末使其重生,拯救了這個幾乎滅絕的品種。
起源是個謎團,最受認可的論點是,源自法國東南部上薩瓦省的古老葡萄藤。可以肯定的是,在Monferrato,該品種已找到了最佳產地,當地人通常會在節慶時飲用,所以又叫做 ”歡樂之酒”。


Montalbera 酒莊無異是生產 ruché 紅酒的龍頭,Morando家族,在 Piemonte 居住已經超過六代,於 20 世紀初建立 Montalbera 酒莊,如今已成為當地一流酒莊之一。

義大利原生品種 ruché

Ruché di Castagnole Monferrato DOCG“ L’Accento”,每年部分葡萄延遲採收,其餘正常成熟採收,於不鏽鋼桶中發酵,裝瓶後一年上市。


義大利權威酒評家Luca Maroni,超過十二年連續給予98~99高分,可謂成就輝煌。他認為100分不存在,只存在未來的下一支酒。
Luca Maroni評分系統的重點是:葡萄酒是完全由葡萄所釀的 ,理當表現葡萄該有的水果風味,並且要讓人喝了感到愉悅,因此評分方向,以濃度、平衡度和完整度為主,不但兼顧感官的感受,且都是可以用科學儀器加以輔助分析,也將價格與產量等相對影響到可購買度的因素一併納入。

延伸閱讀2015 法國都薩克堡 五級酒莊一軍紅酒2015 Chateau Dauzac Margaux

Ruché [wiki] is a red Italian wine grape variety from the Piedmont region. It is largely used in making Ruché di Castagnole Monferrato, a small production red varietal wine which was granted Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC) status by presidential decree on October 22, 1987, and was granted the more prestigious Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG) status in 2010. The current DOC recognized area of production for the wine covers only about 100 acres (40 hectares) of vines around the villages of Castagnole Monferrato, Refrancore, Grana, Montemagno, Viarigi, Scurzolengo and Portacomaro. Ruché di Castagnole Monferrato is, therefore, one of the lowest production varietal wines in Italy. The grape is also grown to some extent in the neighboring province of Alessandria.
There is some debate about the origins of the Ruché grape. One theory is that the variety is indigenous to the hills northeast of the town of Asti. Another theory is that the grape is a local variation on a French import. It has been grown in the area for at least one hundred years but has only recently been marketed and consumed outside of the immediate vicinity of its production. Ruché di Castagnole Monferrato tends to be medium bodied with notes of pepper and wild berries and floral aromas on the nose. The wine is often characterized by moderate acidity and soft tannins. In the Piedmont region it is often paired with slow-cooked beef, northern Italian cheeses and mushrooms.

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