紅白酒差在哪? 記住這4點 讓你一次搞懂


編按:是不是對於 紅酒白酒差異 這個問題常常心存疑惑呢?快來看看 古小兔 如何為妳/你解惑!



紅葡萄酒所選用的國際葡萄品種一般最常見的有:卡本內蘇維濃(Cabernet Sauvignon)、梅洛(Merlot)、黑皮諾(Pinot Noir)希哈(Syrah/Shiraz)和金芬黛(Zinfandel)等。

至於白葡萄酒品種則是霞多麗(Chardonnay)、白蘇維濃(Sauvignon Blanc)、雷司令(Riesling)、格烏茲塔明那(Gewurztraminer)、麝香(Muscat)與灰皮諾(Pinot Gris/Grigio)等。

紅白酒差在哪? 記住這4點 讓你一次搞懂


釀造方式其實是最重要的一環,它決定了葡萄酒的香氣與風格。「丹寧」元素在紅葡萄酒中最常見,因為釀造時會將葡萄皮種子與根一同發酵、浸漬 (maceration)與熟成(Maturation),這一步驟就是將「丹寧」萃取出來,讓酒填色調外更整體增加了結構性。相反的,白葡萄酒則只留果汁的部分加以釀造,常常也省略熟成的步驟,希望營造出較輕盈、清新的口感,不會這麼厚重的特性,適飲期通常在較年輕時飲用。

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紅白酒差在哪? 記住這4點 讓你一次搞懂



紅酒白酒差異? 記住這4點 讓你一次搞懂



by 古小兔

編按:灰皮諾(Pinot Gris 義大利文稱Pinot Grigio),雖然擁有粉紅色的外皮,但是一樣是釀白葡萄酒為主,Gris字面雖然是灰色的意思,但在葡萄酒中則是表示一種粉嫩的紅色。讓我們看看維基百科是怎麼解釋的:
Pinot gris, pinot grigio or Grauburgunder is a white wine grape variety of the species Vitis vinifera. Thought to be a mutant clone of the pinot noir variety, it normally has a grayish-blue fruit, accounting for its name but the grapes can have a brownish pink to black and even white appearance. The word pinot could have been given to it because the grapes grow in small pine cone-shaped clusters. The wines produced from this grape also vary in color from a deep golden yellow to copper and even a light shade of pink,[1] and it is one of the more popular grapes for skin-contact wine.Pinot gris is grown around the globe with the “spicy” full-bodied Alsatian and lighter-bodied, more acidic Italian styles being most widely recognized. The Alsatian style, often duplicated in New World wine regions such as Marlborough, Tasmania, South Australia, Washington, Oregon and South Africa tend to have moderate to low acidity, higher alcohol levels and an almost “oily” texture that contributes to the full-bodied nature of the wine. The flavors can range from ripe tropical fruit notes of melon and mango to some botrytis-influenced flavors. In Italy, Pinot grigio grapes are often harvested early to retain the refreshing acidity and minimize some of the overt-fruitiness of the variety, creating a more neutral flavor profile. This style is often imitated in other Old World wine regions, such as Germany where the grape is known as Ruländer or more commonly Grauburgunder.


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